Creative Content Creator: Novellas, Storytelling & Word Games.
World Building: Short Stories, Novellas, The World of Lorumell, TtRPG content as of 2019-2025.
A bit about me and this site ...
You Should Know …
This is my site.
I intend to use it to further my presence online and to ensure that my content is linked to me. This includes blogging, books, novels, short stories, party games and the like.
Each of these will be linked to: By Jason D. Essex, Author, Game Designer and Creative Content.
Currently, I am available for signings, interviews and speaking engagements. I understand what copyright law oversees and I am willing to interact with others should they be producing documentation related to my works.
This includes, but is not limited to: commentary, reviews and other such forms of communications.
I am currently in San Diego County California.
Please contact me via US First Class Mail in order to begin communications with me. I can normally reply within 2 weeks' time.

Portfolio of Work
Enforcement Card Code: 51/50. A Creative Card Game is now available online.
This game may be played bye 2, 3 or even 4 players. Each player will need to be able to add and to subtract quickly during play.
This game contains 3 wild cards that will also speed along gameplay. These same cards will also show numerous changes for each player.