Creative Content Creator: Novellas, Storytelling & Word Games.
World Building: Lorumell and TtRPG content as of 2022.
Small Business Saturday and Free RPG Day Content For You!
A free educational game, short story and RPGish book for you!
The following content will lead to Apple Books. This content is FREE year round and it is my hope that you will enjoy it enough to review some of my other publications. Please also consider how important these days are to the ongoing success of being #SelfPublished as well why it is critical to #SupportLocalAuthors throughout the year.
As such the first three (3) will take you to free content and the others will lead you to inexpensive digital content.
Have a great season, read and play games as often as you can get away with it!
P.S. How many other businesses do you know who are giving away content?#SmallBusinessSaturday #ShopSmall #SupportLocalAuthors #SanDiegoCountyAuthor #SelfPublishedAuthor #FreeRPGDay #FreeShortStory #FreeEducationalGame #Cliffhanger #TalesOfAModernDayWizard #TWUSoM #RPGish
Free Content Here: